Trust the “Friends for Cultural Concerns of the Philippines” (FCCP) to cheer its members and guests with a successful bash to celebrate their 32nd anniversary. Entitled “Royal Ball”, the fund raising event was held last Monday at the Makati Shangri-la. The ballroom looked majestic with the innovative design by the ingenious Jun Jun Ablaza. Jun Jun immersed us into another realm; at the center was the lavish stage, with opulent carvings, and hanging overhead on each table were huge crowns with strings fashioned to give it a draped elegant look.
Highlights of the evening were performances by Menchu Lauchengco Yulo and Michael Williams who sang excerpts from “The King and I”, “Camelot” and “My Fair Lady”, together with FCCP members and friends. .
Proceeds from this annual ball are earmarked for scholarship grants to deserving students of the arts, and outreach programs to schools and remote communities. Headed by its President, grand dame Nene Leonor, the Steering Committee is composed of: Grace Palma Tiongco, Director, Thelma Gana, Chairperson with Rose Basa, Karen Macasaet, Rosita Lesaca, Nene Pe Lim and Gilda Salonga as co -chairpersons. One of the delightful moments of the evening, was ‘The March of the Siamese Children’ in the ‘King and I’, which was participated in by the grandchildren of the FCCP members, dressed in full regalia.