Medal of Diplomatic Order Conferred on Honorary Consul Mellie Ablaza
Consul a.h. Mellie Ablaza is making waves in an admirable way, going about her pursuits in ways both illuminating and inspiring. Recently, the Ambassador of the Republic of Guatemala, Byron Escobedo conferred on her the Diplomatic Order of Antonio Jose de Irisari, to the degree of Grand Officer. A reason to bask in glory, since the award was issued by the Guatemala President and Chancellor in recognition of Consul Ablaza’s “Outstanding service with utmost professionalism in reinforcing the bonds of friendship and cooperation between Guatemala and the Philippines.”
In spite of Mellie’s busy schedule, her grace is refreshing and her dedication, exemplary. At the cocktail reception held at the Manila Polo Club, hosted by the Guatemala Consulate in his honor, Ambassador Escobedo emulated her laudable contributions. Through her influence, she was able to bring together her counterparts in the various missions of Central America to work on joint projects with the Philippine Government, even prior to her becoming the Dean of the Consular Corps of the Philippines.
A formidable lineup of diplomatic notables including several Ambassadors attended the event to welcome Ambassador Escobedo and to support the incomparable Consul Mellie. These included their Excellencies, Ambassador Joaquin Daniel Otero, (Argentina), Acids Prates (Brazil), Hos Sereythonh (Cambodia), Juan Carlos Arecibia Cirrales (Cuba), Josef Rychtan (Czech Republic), Heikki Hannikainen (Finland), Kristiarto Legowo, (Indonesia), Seyed Shabibi (Iran), Wadee Al-Batti (Iraq), Menashe Bar-On (Israel), Knut Solem (Norway), Mohsin Razi (Pakistan), Ramon Rechebei (Palau), A. Selverajah (Singapore), Leonida Vera (SMOM), Nawalge Cooray (Sri Lanka), Ivo Sieber (Switzerland), Moosa Alkhajah (UAE), Yelitza Ventura Polanco (Venezuela), Dominga Siazon (Philippines) and Valeriu Gheorghe (Romania). Also present were the current Dean of the Diplomatic Corp. and Consul General Motohiko Kato and U.S.A. Consul General Michael Shimmel.