The Josie Natori Drama at ‘Manila FAME’s Fifty-Fifth Edition
The powerful magnetism and enthusiasm of Josie Natori is exhilarating. With verve, Josie stood up from her group of friends to greet us, as Rupert and I entered the ‘55th Manila FAME’ event at the SMX Convention Center. As we exchanged pleasantries, it brought back memories of our classmate days in high school and most significantly, for her having been one of the principal sponsors at our son Jeremy’s wedding in New York. A celebrated, international fashion designer, Josie, together with husband Ken, head the Natori empire – a global lifestyle brand that includes high-end collection for the home, fragrance and eyewear.
‘Manila Wear’ is the fashion segment of ‘Manila FAME’, which encompasses furniture, home décor, arts and crafts. Natori worked with a select group of 21 local designers, in a collection of tropical resort wear. With Josie as Creative Director and curator, the Center for International Trade Expositions, (CITEM) found a new innovative way to inspire and create iconic fashion moments. Josie had put her artistic stamp on it, and with her passion and perfectionism, the presentation was so Very New York. Visually dramatic and minimalist, towering structures were used as platforms for the fashion show. The show was fast paced; a cluster of models would group together in the platform, strike a pose, and parade onto the next, simultaneously filling several of these platforms which dotted the vast hall. The cocktail crowd was part of the entire moving scenario, as they enjoyed sipping their wine while watching the fashion show. This premier trade show for lifestyle exports was indeed an event to remember. Bravo, Josie! (Do visit my website: and like me in Facebook: The Lady HB.)